Friday, June 11, 2010

Just another quick update! Summer has approached me so quickly. I felt like just yesterday I was yearning to get out of school. Now, I am busy catching up with friends and doing my own thing. Lots of reading, movie watching, game playing, and cleaning!

I am planning a movie date [well, just me...] for sometime soon, maybe an Audrey Hepburn evening would suffice. :] I really want to watch Roman Holiday or Two For the Road [my two Hepburn favorites] again. Who knows!? I might decide to go all out and spend an entire day watching the beautiful lady on the screen.

In another news, I do have a formspring! I know, everyone seems to... but I LOVE LOVE LOVE answering questions! So feel free to visit my formspring and ask me anything! Movies, music, books, other interests, etc. You can visit it by clicking here or by asking directly in the right hand column.

Leave your recommendations for me! I'd love to hear some :]

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sorry everyone for the lack of an update! I have been busy with my second semester of college that I finally finished. Now, I have finally found some time to update. School was dandy, and I’m glad it’s over. I finally have time to relax a bit and not stress as often… and of course, watch many classic movies :].

I have been enjoying TCM A LOT these past couple of months. I loved Donna Reed as the Star of the Month this past month. It’s always a delight to see her and her beauty on the screen. I also enjoyed TCM’s 31 Days of Oscar, like usual. ^ .^ Always great chances to catch some of my favorites, and find some new ones!

I have a few plans for this summer, such as my vacation and working… ballroom dancing and going to flea markets, sleepovers and everything xD. Then back to school in the fall. I am super excited… taking a History of the Cinema course! That should be fun (:

I will give a good update soon :) Otherwise, leave me some recommendations :D