I love Christmas movies. A lot. And I know that it’s not even October or anything, but this movie definitely got me in the mood!
Alright, alright… it’s not a Christmas movie, technically, but the ending is very Christmasy (:
I caught it for the first time tonight, actually. I’m a sucker for any Chevy Chase movie, really… especially the Vacation movies [Christmas Vacation just happens to be my favorite, heh].
After they decide that they are getting sick of the city life, Andy [Chevy Chase] and Elizabeth [Madolyn Smith] Farmer buy a country retreat in the state of Vermont. They believe that the peace and quiet will do both of them some good. However, once the moving truck gets lost with all their furniture, things don’t look so good. The mailman hates them, there is a dead body in their garden, and more craziness. After Andy quit his job as a sports journalist, he attempts to write the ‘Great American Novel.’ The novel turns out to be awful, compared to Elizabeth who gets a contract for selling a children’s book on squirrels.
The movie is pretty cute… and there are many, many hilarious parts! I couldn’t stop laughing, which should be expected from a good Chevy Chase movie. If you ever get the chance, I recommend taking the time to see it. I probably wouldn’t buy it to be honest, but it is a film I’d see maybe seven or eight times in my lifetime… or at least once a year.
*Only the ending, really, has anything to do with Christmas, haha<3*
The scene when he finally meets the cackling mailman always cracks me up. And Yellow Dog is so cute.